Martin Marietta, Inc.


Services Provided:
Urban Design, Land Planning, Policy Planning, Public Space Landscape Architecture, Commercial Landscape Architecture, Entitlements, Transit-Oriented Design, Streetscapes, Parks, Trails, Sustainable Development, Redevelopment, Stakeholder Engagement, Visualizations


2020 Merit Award for Austin Green, American Society of Landscape Architects, Texas Chapter

The Austin Green Master Plan was an ambitious initiative aimed at transforming a 2,125-acre active sand and gravel mine in East Austin, Texas, located near the intersection of TX-71 and SH-130, into a vibrant mixed-use town center. The purpose of the plan was to address urban sprawl, environmental reclamation, and community needs within Austin's rapidly expanding landscape. The scope of the project included the development of 12,800 residential units, 2.25 million square feet of commercial space encompassing light industrial, office, and retail sectors, along with nearly 1,000 acres of parks and open spaces.

Key features of the design included an urban mixed-use development that balanced residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, and a sustainable landscape that integrated ecological services such as the restoration of bottomland hardwood forest, wetlands, savanna, and prairie. The objectives set forth were to create a self-sustaining community with a 1:1 job to housing ratio, supported by various residential densities and price points, and to enhance local biodiversity and ecological health through extensive land and water reclamation efforts.

The project faced significant challenges including overcoming the ecological degradation from decades of mining. Solutions included the implementation of a comprehensive ecological restoration plan with floodplain management and the restoration of natural habitats, and balancing development with transportation and accessibility through a compact and connected grid network of streets and trails, with future provisions for transit services.

Partnerships and stakeholders involved in the project included Lionheart Places LLC, the City of Austin, Travis County, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The impact of the project was wide-ranging, enhancing local living standards by providing affordable housing and robust community facilities, restoring and protecting ecological systems to contribute to biodiversity and environmental health, and boosting the local economy through job creation and commercial opportunities.

Visual components of the project included a master plan layout showing residential and commercial zones, and ecological restoration areas and green spaces. The technical specifications highlighted the use of sustainable and locally sourced materials for construction. The project was recognized through a nomination for a Planning Award by the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association and featured innovations such as the integration of a large-scale ecological reclamation with urban development, setting a precedent for future projects.


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